Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Uhm... I don't feel so good.

The first weekend of us being in Houston I was productive and got much unpacked. The second week I became very sick and tired. I began napping with Brennan and by the evening I was laying on the couch ready to throw up. That Monday a pregnancy test confirmed it! I am due August 7. Was this a surprise? Yes in the sense that October and November were very stressful months, and I only saw Briz every other week in November. We had been trying since the summer, but in my head I had scratched conceiving until after the move. I guess God had other plans. :)

Snow Day!

Two days after the kids arrived, Houston greeted them with snow! Not a lot of snow, just enough to make snow angels in. This is the secod year in a row Houston has had a snow day, and the earliest snow has ever fallen in Houstonian history.

Our new home.

The day after Briz and I arrived well... we slept in! Felt it was well deserved after doing the drive in 2 days. After that we began unpacking! My goal was to have the kitchen, kids rooms and the bulk of our room unpacked before the kids arrived in 3 days. Here is a look at the house empty:
Crud! These images have disappeared off of my computer! I have them on Facebook, I have to figure out how to get them back on my computer again!

Here are some of the rooms unpacked:

Some parts of the kitchen.

Brennan's Room

Taylor's Room

Houston or Bust!

The day after Thanksgiving, Briz and I loaded the car with dogs and made our way east on the 10 fwy. Not without stopping in Moreno Valley to say goodbye to one more friend. On our way, we passed a street: Stacy Lynn Drive (do not worry, I am in the process of contacting the city about the misspelling).
After our visit we made our way to Tuscon! No time for site seeing, we checked in late and left early to drive as far as we could to Houston. Our midway point was a couple hours outside of El Paso, decided to push through to San Antonio. We got in just in time to visit a coldstone and catch up with an old co-worker, Clara and her husband Danny. Here it is 11:00 and what we would consider back home a Vegas drive away from Houston. Briz said "let's get it done" and we entered Houston at 2 am. I can't believe we did it in two days!

This is where we stayed in Tuscon:
Loved the tree concept!
Not even the freeway acknowledges New Mexico!
...and now we know why. There was not a whole lot to see.

Moving Day! At least for our house.

On November 2, the moving company came and took all our junk, I mean precious items, to Houston. I think it was a good reality check to see how much we had accumulated the 5 years we were in Temecula. The afternoon of November 3, the movers finished packing and loading everything. Briz was in Houston the following Wednesday to receive our items while I stayed back to over see gardening and carpet upgrades in our house. We left the place better than when we bought it! The good news is I know our tenants are enjoying it!

Moving Day:

Our house ready to rent:

New carpet!
New look to the yard!