Friday, July 10, 2009

Temecula's All Aglow

Tonight we ventured over to the sports park to watch a free Balloon Glow. For those of you not familiar with our beautiful city, Temecula is known for a handful of things including its hot air balloons. It is something I personally find to be quite a wonder an occasional morning as I am leaving our house for work. This evening we thought we would take advantage and allow our family to be submersed with the balloons. Briz and I thought it was pretty cool, Tay thought it was okay, and Brennan was more interested in the baseball diamond. Briz has some great pictures and a story about a Gorilla and a Banana I am sure he will share at a later date.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Love is Blue for the Expert

Our Taylor Rose is very mature. I joke all the time she is 4 going on 14. She enjoys playing with the older girls on the street, and can always pass off for older than she really is (a problem I know we will need to confront later). Taylor also has profound thoughts and can express herself artistically. A couple of examples come to mind, A few weeks ago she was listening to "Love is Blue" by Paul Mauriat. Briz has the instrumental version which Taylor chose to add her own lyrics to. In the chorus:"My love is blue, cancel the world, cancel everything..." It is funny because her lyrics are consistent every time! Another time in the car, we passed a black truck on the freeway with some handwriting on the cab window. "You should get a truck like that Daddy" Briz did not pay much attention until she said "You should get a truck like that and on the back it will say the EXPERT." This peaked Briz's interest. "Tell me more" he said. "Inside you can put in whatever you want, and on the outside it will be black and pink. And you will drive on the freeway and people will say look, there goes the EXPERT." Briz and I were both pretty blown away.