Friday, July 10, 2009

Temecula's All Aglow

Tonight we ventured over to the sports park to watch a free Balloon Glow. For those of you not familiar with our beautiful city, Temecula is known for a handful of things including its hot air balloons. It is something I personally find to be quite a wonder an occasional morning as I am leaving our house for work. This evening we thought we would take advantage and allow our family to be submersed with the balloons. Briz and I thought it was pretty cool, Tay thought it was okay, and Brennan was more interested in the baseball diamond. Briz has some great pictures and a story about a Gorilla and a Banana I am sure he will share at a later date.

1 comment:

the monroe family said...

glad you had a great time...hopefully we can join you next year :)!!!